Thursday, October 1, 2009

We got the call!

So Devin got the call on Monday that he has been accepted into the United States Coast Guard! Woohoo!! We should know the ship date for him to start boot camp by tomorrow.
A lot of people have wondered what his boot camp life will really be like. He will be at Training Center (the military calls this "TRACEN") Cape May. The Coast Guard only has one training center for new recruits. Cape May is in New Jersey. He will be there for 8 weeks. Recruits always ship out on a Tuesday and graduate on a Friday. It is very hard both physically and mentally. The Coast Guard Channel created 8 short videos on what each week is life. The first video is below, but if anyone is interested in watching the rest, I can give you the link.

I think Devin is very brave. I wouldn't want to sign up to have that guy yelling at me for 8 weeks. It will be quite an experience, and I can't wait until Devin gets his date so we'll be able to better guess when we'll have to move (after his time at TRACEN Cape May). Have a great day!



Just a Girl in a Port said...

Congratulations on beginning your journey! Welcome to the Coast Guard family. :)

Elisha Trask said...

I am so proud of you guys! Good luck!!