Thursday, September 24, 2009

starting fresh.

I haven't written on here in a very long time. Quite frankly, it's because I felt like everything I wanted to write about was a complaint such as the last couple posts. I didn't want this blog to be where I complained about the crap going on in my life. No, I wanted it to be about the adventure of life Devin and I are on and a way to keep family and friends updated that I otherwise would not be able to talk to regularly.
So here I am starting fresh.
We've had a few ups and downs with work (or a lack thereof), and getting through that season. I finally had to come to a place where I gave it all up to God and reminded Him that He fed the sparrows and could He make sure we were fed, too? Of course He did. :) God has been so good to us and though we've had times I've been pretty sure we cannot pay all of our bills, suddenly everything works out. God is great.
Devin is trying to join the Coast Guard. I am so proud of him. He wants to be able to go to school and learn and this seemed the most logical route (especially since we're still paying off my school loans). His desire to provide for me and make me a stay at home wife is immense. He inspires me. We've been going through the enlistment process for about a month now. It has been a much more intense and thorough process than I ever thought. He has gotten approved in all areas so far, and the only one we're pending results on is his background check. This is only a reference and character check as his criminal and credit checks have already been conducted. It would only make sense that this should be the easiest hurdle, but definitely the longest to get results from. The results have finally come in, but his recruiter has been out of town for training and will deliver the results TOMORROW! Holy cow! I can't wait. I really want this to happen (I would love to travel!), but I know that God has something better if it doesn't.
Looking forward to tomorrow,

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